
Brisbane Festival is committed to a better future and is working to support the artists, performers, communities, causes and people that help make our Festival what it is. We are focused on positive action and change across these key areas and invite you to help maximise our impact by getting involved.

Charlie Cush
Brisbane Festival CEO

#First Nations

At Brisbane Festival, we work closely with our Indigenous Advisory Group and the individual members. We are proud of the work we have achieved together, not only in the depth and quality of the First Nations works we have commissioned and presented on our stages, but in the meaningful commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples demonstrated throughout the entire organisation through collaboration, industry support, and growing audiences and investment to elevate artists and community members. 

It is with great pride we present Brisbane Festival's Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan. This is a time of great importance in our country's path towards reconciliation. There is a need for non-indigenous Australians to listen deeply, enact appropriate change and find new paths in our journey to work together with the First Nations peoples of this country. 

Our inaugural RAP is a step forward in this journey for Brisbane Festival. It outlines our commitment and our vision for growing together with the First Nations peoples on this country. It has been created with the support of an internal working group of Brisbane Festival staff and members of our Indigenous Advisory Group, Aunty Raelene Rallah-Baker (Yuggera, Birri, Girramay) - Elder, and Aunty Bridget Garay (Kemer Kemer Meriam nation) – Co Chair. 

Reconciliation Action Plan

#A Barrier Free Festival

Our commitment to accessibility and inclusion is focused on four key areas:

Access and inclusion
Identifying and reducing barriers in physical and digital spaces.

Economic participation and employment
Addressing barriers to inclusion to enable economic participation.

Engagement and participation
Collaborating directly with the disability community for feedback and expertise.

Sector and community development
Serving as a model for accessible practices in arts and events, fostering continuous learning and influence.

Our acknowledgments extend to our producing and venue partners and Brisbane Festival's Official Access and Inclusion Partner, CPL — Choice, Passion, Life .

Disability Inclusion Action Plan

#Supporting Sustainability

Sustainability at Brisbane Festival is anchored to implementing practices and initiatives that mitigate adverse environmental, social and economic impacts while maximising positive outcomes. 

This includes embedding sustaining principles across all phases of the event planning, management and delivery. 

Key components of event sustainability include the promotion of inclusivity and diversity, support for local communities and businesses, waste reduction, resource conservation, carbon emission reduction, and facilitation of community engagement and education on sustainability issues.

Brisbane Festival expresses deep respect to and acknowledges the First People of this Country.