Re-emerge, re-connect and revel at BOQ Festival Garden


Re-emerge, re-connect and revel at BOQ Festival Garden

New party precinct, new location, new partner – there’s a lot to love about BOQ Festival Garden, Brisbane Festival’s shiny new public playground.

Brisbane Festival is thrilled to welcome the city to its brand-new Festival hub, sprawling from South Bank Piazza down to the Brisbane River, from 3-25 September.

It is also delighted to partner with Bank of Queensland (BOQ) to bring the magic of home-grown music, entertainment and hospitality together in a free, accessible and family-friendly space. 

BOQ Group Chief Customer Officer Danielle Keighery says the new partnership aligns perfectly with BOQ Group’s values, where community is at the heart of everything. 

“As a proud Queensland company, it made perfect sense to partner with Brisbane Festival as we saw so many natural similarities between the Festival and BOQ,” Danielle says. 

“Brisbane Festival plays an enormous role in bringing people together and delivering significant economic growth for the region – two things that are incredibly important to BOQ.” 

BOQ Festival Garden will surprise and delight with roving performers, live entertainment, illuminated art installations, a mysterious game, pop-up bars and dining and workshops on weekends and during the school holidays. 

There is so much to enjoy in the BOQ Festival Garden this year and we’re excited to play a role in reawakening the city and bringing communities together in what has been an incredibly tough 18 months,

Danielle says. “It’s a space where we can celebrate the talent, culture and diversity that makes Queensland so special and I can’t wait to see it all come to life with the backing of BOQ.” 

“It’s wonderful to see diversity reflected in so many of the shows this year including First Nations Fashion: Walking in Two Worlds and Auntie’s Fiafia Night presented in our very own BOQ Festival Garden. 

Brisbane Festival Artistic Director Louise Bezzina says she is thrilled to welcome visitors to BOQ Festival Garden after COVID-19 restrictions disrupted plans for the new Festival hub in 2020.  

“Community and celebration are at the heart of this year’s Festival and BOQ Festival Garden will keep it pumping with art, dance, music, connection and joy,” Ms Bezzina said. 

From late night party goers to young families enjoying a weekend in Brisbane, all are invited to re-emerge, re-connect and revel in our new Festival hub.

#Be enchanted by the magic of BOQ Festival Garden

Located in front of the South Bank Piazza
Open day and night

Brisbane Festival expresses deep respect to and acknowledges the First People of this Country.