The shape of things to come


The shape of things to come

Local artist Adam Busby takes Brisbane Festival’s Brightly Brisbane vision to a new level in a spectacular display of vivid colour and surreal shapes.

In partnership with Brisbane Festival and Cross River Rail, Adam has painted an enormous mural on temporary hoarding around the Albert Street Station construction site, the CBD’s first new train station in 120 years. 

Representing a journey, each layer of the artwork exposes a new opportunity to reflect, be inspired or be transported to a new place or perspective.  

The palette of 11 ultra-bright colours alongside two neutral tones aims to express the multitude of unique cultures and backgrounds in Brisbane. 

My hope is that from young to old, everyone can connect and have their own personal experience from the shapes,

Adam Busby

“For the colours, those are 13 of the brightest, vibrant and most hopeful colours that aim to uplift and put a smile on the faces of people passing by.” 

Bold, bright and measuring 60 metres in length, the mural is Brisbane Festival’s largest public art installation for 2021. 

The artwork enlivens the city space through movement and colour, activating the Albert Street site as work progresses and engaging passers-by with a diversity of shapes and colours. 

“Already when painting the mural, I have had so many fascinating conversations in relation to how people were interpreting the work, or stories of what it reminded them of from their childhood,” Adam says. 

“My hope is that it sparks conversation, makes people slow down and observe the world around them and most of all, give them a moment of optimism during their day.” 

Adam’s artwork is inspired by the similarities between Brisbane Festival and Cross River Rail as purveyors of journey and placemaking.  

Its bright design is intended as a positive disruption to the construction site, using colours, shapes and lines to create a moment of optimistic joy. 

Brisbane Festival and Cross River Rail have come together for this project through shared interests in connectivity.  

“Our partnership with Brisbane Festival, including the mural project, is one of the many ways we’re keep the community informed about ongoing Cross River Rail works,” Cross River Rail Delivery Authority CEO, Graeme Newton says. 

“An ongoing art program provides Brisbane’s world-class street artists with access to some interesting canvas space around our construction sites to explore themes and concepts close to their hearts.  

“We are excited to be a visible driver and supporter of Brisbane’s emerging inner-city art scene and provide some colour for nearby residents and workers. Cross River Rail will transform the way we travel to, from and through Brisbane in the future, and this vibrant and colourful mural embodies the exciting changes underway.” 

You can see Adam's work at Albert Street, Brisbane City, until September 2022.

Brisbane Festival expresses deep respect to and acknowledges the First People of this Country.